
Coca-Cola: “Orgulloso De Ser” Campaign Strategy:Coca-Cola launched the “Orgulloso De Ser” (Proud to Be) campaign during Hispanic Heritage Month to celebrate Hispanic heritage and family pride. The campaign focused on the significance of family names in Hispanic culture, encouraging participants to share personal stories of pride and heritage. Execution: Outcomes: McDonald’s: “Celebrando Nuestras Leyendas” Initiative […]

Diversity, Leadership, Marketing

July 23, 2024

Case Studies: Successful Hispanic Marketing Campaigns

Investing in Hispanic-owned media is a strategic business decision and a commitment to supporting and engaging with a vital and growing segment of the American population. Hispanic-owned media outlets offer unique advantages that can significantly enhance brand trust and engagement. Here’s why brands should consider this investment and how it can benefit their overall marketing […]

Diversity, Leadership, Uncategorized

July 18, 2024

Why Brands Should Invest in Hispanic-Owned Media

Collaborating with Hispanic influencers can be a highly effective strategy for brands looking to create authentic and impactful marketing campaigns. Hispanic influencers have a unique ability to connect with their audiences on a personal level, offering brands the opportunity to engage with the Hispanic community in a meaningful way. Here are key insights and best […]

Leadership, Marketing, Strategy

July 11, 2024

Building Authentic Relationships with Hispanic Influencers

In the quest to tap into the lucrative Hispanic market, many brands fall into the trap of ‘Latino Coating’—a superficial approach that involves adding Hispanic elements to marketing campaigns without truly understanding or respecting the culture. This strategy often backfires, leading to disengagement and even backlash from the community it aims to attract. Here’s how […]

Diversity, Leadership, Strategy

July 2, 2024

How to Avoid ‘Latino Coating’ in Your Marketing Campaigns

As Hispanic graduates step into the workforce, they bring not only their education and skills but also their unique cultural perspectives. In today’s rapidly evolving workplace landscape, the ability to navigate diversity and inclusion is crucial for success. This article is tailored to provide practical guidance and actionable strategies for Hispanic graduates to leverage their […]

Diversity, Leadership

May 30, 2024

Cultural Identity in the Workplace: Navigating Diversity and Inclusion as a Hispanic Graduate

As the global marketplace continues to evolve, the future of advertising is unmistakably steering towards greater diversity. This shift isn’t merely a response to societal calls for inclusion but a business imperative driven by changing demographics and consumer expectations. In this blog, we will explore why diversity is expected to play a pivotal role in […]

Diversity, Leadership, Marketing, Strategy

April 25, 2024

The Future of Advertising: Why Diversity Will Lead the Way

Kansas City, MO — Segura Marketing and Media Solutions has been prominently featured in an insightful article by Grace Mayer, a staff writer at the Kansas City Business Journal. The piece, titled “KC agency: World Cup branding should highlight ‘young and untapped’ Hispanic audience,” underscores the agency’s leadership in harnessing the vast potential of the […]

2026 FIFA World Cup, Leadership, Marketing, Strategy, Transcreation

February 15, 2024

Segura Marketing and Media Solutions Featured in Kansas City Business Journal for World Cup 2026 Marketing Insights

The cross-industry leaders aim to create change through cultural awareness and racial equity within companies VMLY&R has announced last Monday the launch of the Inclusion Experience (IX) Advisory Council, a strategic group that works on the critical need to redefine standards and raise the bar for inclusive teams, representative marketing, and more.  Comprised of diverse […]


September 25, 2023

VMLY&R Unveils Inclusion Experience Advisory Council